About Us |
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- For other financial information, please contact our Treasurer.
OATAG advocates for the needs of talented and gifted children, serves as a resource for families, educators, and communities, and provides direction for excellence in education.
OATAG is a grass-roots, volunteer-driven organization with representatives from around the state. We are teachers, parents, administrators, counselors, students, homeschoolers, grandparents, instructional assistants, legislators ... anyone with an interest in gifted education in Oregon. We are the people who are in the trenches, day-in and day-out, working with individuals who have different learning needs from others in their classroom. If you would like to join us please become a member.
OATAG's vision for education in Oregon is that:
For a PDF version of our vision click here
- every highly capable student in Oregon receives an appropriately challenging education based on his or her individual needs, recognizing that advanced abilities are found in all socio-economic, racial, and ethnic subgroups.
- educators who have responsibility for programming, instruction and services for TAG and high-potential students have appropriate pre-service and relevant continuing education.
- comprehensive assessments are culturally sensitive and accurately reflect each student's rate and level of learning.
- parents have access to training, networking, and advocacy opportunities.
- parents actively participate in planning the programs and services that will be provided to their children.
- students participate in planning their education.
- resources are consistently available to fully support programs and services for every TAG and high-potential student.
- appropriate and transparent accountability measures provide for the ongoing evaluation and improvement of services.
- all Oregon educators have received training about the needs and characteristics of TAG students including how they are expressed in socio-economic, racial, and ethnic subgroups.
For a PDF version of our vision click here
- OATAG supports pre-service training in gifted education for all educators and professional staff.
- OATAG supports professional development in gifted education for current teachers, coordinators, counselors, school psychologists and administrators.
- OATAG also supports providing information about gifted students and gifted education to students, parents, and community.
Best Practices
- OATAG supports implementation of the NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children) standards for K-12 gifted education and other research-based best practices.
- OATAG supports a statewide TAG advisory committee with funding and support.
- OATAG supports the provision of programs and services for advanced learners in all public schools, rural and urban.
- OATAG supports adequate funding for TAG services, assessment and identification, with funds available to districts for TAG services.
- OATAG believes $500 for each identified TAG student per year is the minimum necessary to meet the academic needs of TAG students in Oregon.
- OATAG supports a transparent and effective accountability system.
- OATAG supports oversight of TAG services in all public schools, rural and urban, including additional and adequate staff support at the Oregon Department of Education.
- OATAG also supports an education ombudsman.
- OATAG supports the recommendations contained in The Quiet Crisis, submitted by the Oregon TAG Task Force, (October 2012).
What is OATAG?
OATAG is the Oregon Association for Talented and Gifted, a non-profit, non-discriminatory, state-wide education and advocacy organization, promoting opportunities for talented and gifted children throughout Oregon. We are the state affiliate of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). Our membership is open to anyone with an interest in promoting opportunities for talented and gifted children. We seek your support as we work to create new opportunities and improve education for all TAG and high-potential students in Oregon.
Is OATAG part of the Government?
No, OATAG is a non-profit group of private citizens. We are not affiliated in any way with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), or any other governmental agencies. However, OATAG does lobby governmental agencies to make changes to policies and/or laws that are beneficial for Talented and Gifted (TAG) students.
What does OATAG do?
OATAG does a number of things; however, our focus is primarily in three areas: education, legislation, and affiliation-or networking-of people. We inform people about TAG issues though meetings, conferences, our Blogs, Forums and Yahoo listserv (email discussion group), our newsletter "A Different Drummer", radio and TV broadcast, our website, etc. We work with politicians and policy makers in government to improve learning for TAG students by proposing appropriate legislation. Finally, we bring folks together and provide a forum for networking so parents and educators have resources available to them for working with TAG students.
Why is OATAG Important?
OATAG is the statewide advocacy organization for TAG education in Oregon. We are frequently the lone voice for improvement of learning environments for TAG students, and the primary group voicing opposition to budget cuts involving TAG programs and services. We want to assist teachers and parents to do a better job of educating and guiding TAG students. We desire to facilitate discussion among all stakeholders concerning common problems that occur in gifted education. We are the state affiliate for the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).
Why Join OATAG?
OATAG is an organization dedicated to providing TAG students with the educational opportunities that they so desperately need. We need members to join us in this important work. We need people-we need YOU-to step up and make a difference in the lives of our children, indeed, in the very future of our nation. By joining OATAG, you can help in several ways:
- The very fact that you are a member makes us stronger. When we meet with legislative representatives in Salem to advocate for TAG students, the number of people we represent make a big difference. Simply stated, politicians are more interested in helping organizations representing greater populations. By joining OATAG, you add your name to our list of constituents, and therefore increase our ability to influence change.
- Your assistance-even a few hours a month- is desperately needed to help us carry out this mission. You could volunteer to write a legislator or your local newspaper, work for a few hours at the annual conference, join a committee, or so much, much, more.
The Oregon Association for Talented & Gifted is an independent 501(c)(3) that supports gifted education in Oregon.
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