OATAG Government Advocacy |
How to Participate in Oregon Legislation
Finding your legislator
- Go to the Oregon Legislature Home Page
- In the “Find My Legislators" box enter your address including zip code and click Go.
- By clicking on the tabs for "House" and "Senate" at the top you will find a listing of your legislators in that chamber. If you click on their web page link, you will find contact information, news and a biography for each legislator.
- It is an excellent idea to sign up for your legislators' newsletters. This will tell you what their priorities are and will also alert you to scheduled Town Halls in your district. Every Oregon legislator eventually votes on nearly every bill (a couple are usually excused due to sickness or official business)
- You can sign up for their newsletter on their web page
Contacting your legislator
- The best way to communicate with your legislators is to send them an e-mail or letter.
- If you are writing concerning a specific bill, put "support" or "oppose" in the "subject" line depending on which one you are asking the legislator to do, and add the bill number. For example, "Please support SB 100" or "Please oppose HB 1001".
Learn how to testify before a committee
- From the Oregon State Legislature Home Page click on the "Citizen Engagement" section
- In the “Engage” area click on “How to Testify”, which includes the video: “Making a Difference, A Citizens Guide on How to Testify”
- In the “Engage” area click on “How to Submit Exhibits” for guidelines on submitting "exhibits"
- The "Audio/Video" area will let you see and hear both chamber and committee sessions either as they occur or as archived versions from past hearings
How to find a bill
- From the Oregon State Legislature Home Page click on the "Bills and Laws” section
- In the “Bills” area click on “How to Find a Bill” for directions
- Click to find Bills assigned to the House Education Committee
- Click to find Bills assigned to the Senate Education Committee
- You can look up the text of bills by bill number at https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2021R1/Measures/list/
How to contact an Education Committee member
Click on the Committee link and then click on a member’s name to get their information:
Most talented and gifted students in Oregon attend public schools. Identification of TAG students and the services they receive are authorized through legislation (OR Revised Statutes {ORS}) and follow rules established by the State Board of Education (OR Administrative Rules {OAR}). OATAG monitors legislation to keep up with potential changes that would affect TAG students. We provide information about proposed legislation to our members and the public and encourage participation in the political process.
Current Spotlight
SB 736 Legislative Report
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Senator Sara Gelser's presentation on how to use the Oregon Legislature's website is now available as a video. It is very helpful for anyone interested in being more involved.
"Join Senator Sara Gelser for a training about how to access the 2021 session via Oregon Legislative Information System and other online tools."
"Join Senator Sara Gelser for a training about how to access the 2021 session via Oregon Legislative Information System and other online tools."