Taecher Grant Recipients |
2024 Teacher Grant Recipient
OATAG is very pleased to announce that educators from the Lincoln, Scappoose, and Springfield school districts will receive grants for 2024 from OATAG. The grant applications were evaluated by an OATAG committee and were funded by a donor-advised program at the Oregon Community Foundation.
- Karin Teisl, the TAG Coordinator at Taft Elementary School in the Lincoln School District, applied for a grant for professional development for Teisl and other classroom teachers at Taft, as well for as materials and student supports. The grant will also provide the registration fee for a conference on serving twice-exceptional students: students who are gifted and have a second learning difference or need.
- Tamera McDonald, the TAG Coordinator & 5th Grade Teacher at Grant Watts Elementary School in Scappoose, applied for a grant for professional development for classroom teachers, as well as materials and student supports at Grant Watts. During the 2022-23 school year, the Scappoose School District dedicated efforts to revising the District TAG Plan. As a result, Scappoose is now implementing a screening process for all second-grade students to identify Talented and Gifted individuals, leading to the discovery of more gifted students within the district. The grant will provide enhanced tools, resources, and time to support these identified talented and gifted students.
- Stephanie Lovdokken, the Springfield Public Schools District TAG Coordinator & 5th Grade Teacher at Ridgeview Elementary School, applied for a grant to attend a professional development program for educating Talented and Gifted students provided by Pacific University, the only Oregon university that currently offers this qualification. The grant will enable Lovdokken to continue working on a state Specialization in Talented and Gifted Education. The grant will benefit Springfield students who have been identified as needing additional instruction by the district because of their advanced level of learning and increase the ranks of educators in Oregon with a TAG specialization.
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